Friday, October 11, 2019

English Languages and Power Essay

English language has many types that are influenced by the culture of the people. This is why other people cannot understand people with a different type of English. English language, according to Dr. Tupas is not a neutral language. It is ideological through and through because it carries meanings which are not originally not ours. Learning proper English can help you understand the ideas of a person with a different type of English language. In his essay, â€Å"Wronging English†, he explains that when you know your English inside and out, you know what’s wrong and what’s right, then you can intentionally make the English wrong. In Sutherland’s essay † For A While†, he states that English usage in the Philippines is idiosyncratic, or even unique. For example, in the Philippines, the idiom â€Å"for a while† means â€Å"sandali lang†, but in UK, they would prefer to use â€Å"just a second† or â€Å"just a moment†. For the foreign perspective, Philippine English may sound odd to the visitors. On the other hand, Montemayor’s essay â€Å"The King’s English and I†, she states that British English has verbose politesse. In example, the Filipinos will just say â€Å"thanks† or â€Å"thank you†, but the British will invariably say, â€Å"thank you very much indeed†. Moreover, Dr. Tupas’ essay â€Å"wronging English† neutralizes the perspective of Sutherland and Montermayor. She exclaimed that changing the way we speak and write does not automatically translate to changing the way we live in our lives. And by saving the English language may just be a good way to save us from thinking that English is inherently good, it brings good lives to everyone, and everyone benefits from it.

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